Greetings. We hope the onset of summer finds you all well. Topics in this newsletter: new discounted pricing on lab work, a summer reading recommendation, summer clinic closure dates, and…we are on Facebook!
Great deals on lab work:
We have recently negotiated “physician pricing” with Quest Labs in order to give our patients the opportunity to have lab work done at a deeply discounted rate. We are very excited to be able to offer this new service for our patients who either have high insurance deductibles, or who must pay out of pocket for lab work. Are you due to have some routine blood work done such as cholesterol and blood sugar, but have not been able to afford to? Well, now’s your time! To give an example, a cholesterol panel costs $8.50 and a blood count costs $6 through our deal with Quest. This is a huge discount compared to a more typical rate of $40 for a cholesterol panel and $25 for a blood count. We have also negotiated great prices for some of the more expensive tests such as thyroid and vitamin D testing. Call us with questions or ask at your next appointment.
Summer reading recommendation:
This summer, we have a great book on diet to recommend. This could be a great way to balance whatever fiction you might plan on reading this summer. “The Abascal Way”, by Kathy Abascal outlines the “TQI” or “To Quiet Inflammation” diet. The book is jam-packed with easy to understand, scientifically based, sound nutritional advice. It teaches one how to understand the effects that various types of food have on the physiology of the body, both positive and negative. It provides a basic structural outline for eating to reduce inflammation, encourage weight loss, ease pain, and prevent or curb many of the common conditions that run rampant in our culture such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes. We have seen great success utilizing this dietary approach with many of our patients. Patients across the board report that they learn a ton from reading this book. You may find copies for sale at our office, at Village Books, or online.
We are finally on Facebook! Well…admittedly we’ve had a page since 2011, but haven’t really used it. We are now going to start posting useful health tips, nutritional advice, clinic news, and links to current information on health topics. Visit our page and “like us” to spread the word HERE.
Summer clinic closure dates:
We will be on vacation the following dates: 7/18-25, 8/22-9/1. Please plan accordingly for appointments and medicinary refill requests. Thank you.