December 2017 News
Greetings. We hope this message finds you well at the start of this holiday season. End of year medicinary sale: All medicinary items will be 20% off starting 12/4 and [...]
Greetings. We hope this message finds you well at the start of this holiday season. End of year medicinary sale: All medicinary items will be 20% off starting 12/4 and [...]
Greetings and happy summer! Subjects in this newsletter include new craniosacral package deals, schedule changes for Dr. Van Dusen and Kim, summer vacation dates and reviews/testimonials. Craniosacral packages: We are now offering [...]
Important News at Vital Source Natural Medicine Happy Holidays! We hope this letter finds you all well! End of year medicinary sale: All medicinary items will be 20% off up [...]
Greetings. We hope the onset of summer finds you all well. Topics in this newsletter: new discounted pricing on lab work, a summer reading recommendation, summer clinic closure dates, and...we [...]
Greetings. It has been some time since we've sent out a newsletter, we hope this finds you all well! Topics in this newsletter include the transition to Fall, CranioSacral and [...]
Happy Summer! Below is just some brief news about dates that the clinic will be closed this Summer and a new online source for ordering high quality medicines. Emerson Ecologics: [...]
Greetings. I hope this finds you all well. The main topic of this newsletter is the philosophical approach of naturopathic medicine. My goal in writing this is that it will [...]
Greetings! Topics in this Newsletter: stocking up the medicine cabinet (a few favorite herb recommendations), medicine bottle recycling, and an upcoming class offering. Stocking up the Medicine Cabinet (with a [...]
It's June, and summer is "officially" and seemingly "almost" here! This newsletter includes two topics: news from Vital Source, and a few important points regarding digestive health. While you're out [...]