About Dr. Van Dusen

Dr. Jessica Van Dusen is a licensed Naturopathic Physician and Certified Craniosacral Therapist in the state of Washington. She has interest in treating patients with a broad range of conditions from the common cold to chronic disease. She works to create a therapeutic partnership with her patients to help support and guide them toward better health on a physical and emotional level, which she believes is attainable for everyone. Her philosophy is to treat people and not disease, and it shows in her ability to listen and truly consider the whole picture when she works with patients.
Dr. Van Dusen’s interest in Naturopathic Medicine was spawned from her love of nature and her own personal health journey that led her to a Naturopathic Doctor in her early 20’s. She instantly fell in love with the philosophy and effectiveness of the medicine combined with its connection to nature. Doctoring is a perfect fit for her, as she likes to problem solve, learn new things, teach, and help people. She has adopted Naturopathic Medicine as a way of life, and is enthusiastic about sharing her knowledge and experience with others.
Dr. Van Dusen lives in Blanchard and loves all the Pacific Northwest has to offer. In her free time she enjoys backcountry skiing, trail running, sea kayaking, biking, hiking, and mountaineering. She is most often accompanied by her husband Aaron, who’s an artist and metal-smith, and her shepherd husky mix, Reba.
Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine: National College of Natural Medicine, Portland OR, 2010
• High Honors
Certification in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy: Patricia O’Rourke, Seattle WA, 2016
BA in Elementary Education: Alfred University, Alfred NY, 2001
• Summa Cum Laude
While at NCNM, Dr. Van Dusen pursued advanced training in the following areas:
- Advanced certificate in Homeopathy: New England School of Homeopathy, Amherst, MA
- Extended rotation and preceptorship in biotherapeutic drainage therapy with Dr. Dickson Thom, ND, DDS
- Training in Core Synchronism Therapy (a modality very similar to craniosacral therapy) through Anne Hill, ND.
Dr. Van Dusen holds a membership in the following organizations:
- The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians
- The Washington Association of Naturopathic Physicians

About Reba
Reba is our sometimes “office dog” who may greet you when you arrive and keep you company while you wait. She loves people and is very friendly. Reba’s main interests are romping on trails or in the snow, swimming, and playing with her friends.